So, God, a question if that’s ok

Be my guest. All questions are welcome, questions are the mother of conversation, and conversation is the highest calling.

Really? Meaning?

We call you to a lot of things, achievement, understanding, love, abundance, but the highest calling of all is conversation.

Why? Oh, and obviously, all sorts of people will feel you would never say that.

Not a particularly sensible comment, ‘God would never say that.’

Ok, but, surely, according to the establishment anyway, the highest calling is sacrifice, self-denial, putting our desires on the altar and all those other creepy, religious sentiments.

No, they’re not the highest callings, not by any stretch of the imagination. I’m looking for friends not servants, and friendship is impossible without conversation. Which is why conversation, back and forth with me, is the key to enjoying life, and hence, the highest calling.

My warmest endorsement of Moses was that he spoke with me back and forth as a friend. Which, as you and others have discovered, anyone can. Moses wouldn’t have understood half of modern Christianity’s rules, much less followed them.

For real?

It’s always been impossible to obey all the rules of the religious, and even when you do, they’re still not happy. They’ll find that a hard pill to swallow so give them this scripture because scripture is the language they feel safe with;

Luke 7:31-35 “To what, then, can I compare the people of this generation? What are they like? 32They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling out to each other:

“ ‘We played the pipe for you,
and you did not dance;
we sang a dirge,
and you did not cry.’

33For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon.’ 34The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ 

Whichever way you play it, you’ll never please the religious, so don’t try, focus instead on hearing my voice and responding with your own. Conversation is all that matters.

Does prayer cut it?

Yes, when it’s a fluid exchange of ideas between you and me, with both of us saying as much as the other (like real friends do in conversation). But it’s seldom like that anymore, Religion has seen to that by making believers afraid of the consequences of making me unhappy (which, if you want to know the truth, is almost impossible).

Pad that out a bit more for me?

It’s almost impossible to make me unhappy - and, nowadays people pray at me, most of what gets said is them talking at me and I don’t get to say a lot back. Which is fine if it makes them feel better, but it’s not the rewarding and fluent conversation between them and me that it’s meant to be – [proseuché: ‘an exchange of ideas between God and the believer’].

PS: DEAR READER — Two Tips to make it easier to have your own back and forth conversation with God.

TIP # 1: Write out your question to God and then, don’t wait for the answer to come, start writing trusting God to supply the answer as you write.

TIP # 2: Remember it’s a conversation, not a subservient prayer. Yes, sure, you’re talking with God, but it’s a conversation. So, just like you would in a conversation with any other friend, when you’re not convinced by what you hear you should most definitely challenge it.

If you think you’ve made up what you’ve written, you should write something like, ‘God, I think I made that up’, then write what comes. Do that again and again until you feel in your gut, no matter how unlikely it seems, that what you’ve written is God. TEST THE SPIRITS AND ASK AND KEEP ON ASKING. Both are things that the apostles and Jesus made clear are very important.

The reason I publish these conversations with God is he seemed to say that anyone reading them would be able to see that if someone as mixed up as Mark Holloway could have a back and forth conversation with God ( like a friend ), then surely they could too.


The dreamer wants to hear what God is saying — the religious person thinks they already know.


DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS: God, how come us Christians say we’re free, and yet we’re so damned religious?!?